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G L N Galactic Lasero Network

Well, get this, we've been on the Galactic Lasero Network for years, pay- per- view for those who can afford it. GLN

Extra-terrestrials, mostly.

One galaxy or unlimited access for those who love those goofy, terrifying homo-sapiens.

It costs more for more galaxy experiences, more planets,

more programs, infiltration, more abductions, culture cures, breeding

progress etc.

Payment is clean potable water;

or distilled Hydrogen. Deposits are held at Bankworlds, planets were the atmosphere is hospitable for water storage.Only water, no minerals accepted.

Language is the universal Porpoisett

or Dorminion clickish:

Clik clik clik clik

dagga dagga dagga


We are channel

C:1,839,281,978 .3/wing

but, we humans don't have the brain capacity to experience GLN,

nor the technology, to see or enjoy it.

Our foilbles may not be fun to watch anyway, even if we could, and our music is too basic in sound spectrum and our physics is only scratching the surface.

Art pictures and paintings do have their own spin-off show:

Human Being Art,

attracting many with the limited but insightful color spectrum

and ideas of reality.

Our planet is supposedly a very popular channel

and beloved especially for our variety of insects.

Their peace-loving nature, meekness, music, languages, forms and perfect hive organization abilities are loved by like minded planets.

Of course, there are some nasty insects also.

More about that later in a talk on

"The Good and Not so Good"

-Insect Religions.

Non Hybrid Humans are basically just food for the undergrounders in many respects: insects, worms, maggots, fungi, bacterias, etc...

If the homo sapiens create to much havoc on earth,

the Virus legion is let loose upon them.

Led in front by virus queen Bettino and her right arm woman, Bakterio.

A strong pair of leaders,

who only deal in truth.

ps. Porpoisette or Dorminion lessons available, contact : Glenn at Universe languages on vns- canal y7. Only 3 liters of water per hour!

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